Corporate News

The Benefits of Team Sports in the Workplace

20 Sep 2022

Team sports in the workplace have been shown to help with relationships and increase productivity and motivation. Click here to learn more.

Did you know that nearly half of those who worked from their couches or bedrooms during the pandemic report developing musculoskeletal problems? 

The pandemic has negatively impacted workers' physical health and has also taken a toll on their mental health. In fact, almost six in ten workers report that they've felt more isolated from their co-workers due to the pandemic. 

The good news is that companies that embrace team sports for socialisation tend to have workers who are healthier and who have stronger workplace relationships.

We've created a guide to help you understand the benefits of introducing team sports to your workplace. Keep reading if you want to find out more. 

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Why Workplace Stress Is a Problem That You Should Address  

There are many reasons why so many workers are feeling burned out in the post-pandemic world.

Workers tend to have heavier workloads, more communication problems, and increased challenges related to balancing their personal and professional lives. 

Organisations that take action to address these issues tend to have happier and healthier employees. 

One of the most effective ways they do this is by introducing sports to the workplace. One of the reasons for this is that sports help people to achieve a better work-life balance. 

By taking the time to focus on the wellness of your workers, you'll be making a significant investment in your organisation. Your employees will be less stressed. This means that it will become easier for them to be productive. 

On the other hand, those who feel stressed tend to be less happy and less healthy. 

team sports

Sport Benefits at the Workplace 

By introducing sports to your workplace, you'll increase worker engagement. You can do this by creating a fitness challenge where each department competes against one another. You could offer gym memberships to the teams that complete the challenge. 

By encouraging your employees to work together by playing sports, they will improve their communication with one another. They will also learn what it takes to become skilled at collaboration. 

It's also important to know that the bodies and minds of active people release "feel good" chemicals such as endorphins and dopamine. This is why workers who play sports together tend to be more relaxed and less stressed.

Those who are more relaxed will also improve their judgement skills. It is critical that workers know how to make good decisions if they want to succeed in the business world. 

There are several reasons why people who play sports at work improve their judgement skills. When people play sports, they need to make quick decisions. They also need to use their resources as effectively as possible. 

It's possible to apply these skills to the workplace. For example, managers will be more effective at their jobs when they know how to act decisively in high-stress situations. 

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Simple Ways to Encourage Your Workers to Become More Physically Active 

There are various things that you can do to introduce sports and physical activity to your workplace.

A straightforward way to do this is by holding walking meetings. Instead of meeting around a table, you can go for a walk with your employees while having meaningful conversations about your organisation. 

If it is not feasible to hold walking meetings, you can encourage your employees to stand while they are at their desks. This helps people to stay alert.

People who stand while they are working are also less likely to develop problems with their postures. This means that fewer of your workers will have sore muscles and backs. 

You should also consider holding fitness challenges for your employees. This could involve offering rewards for those who are physically active.

For example, you could create a thirty-day running challenge. Encourage your workers to keep track of how often they work out by posting a progress board in one of your workplace meeting rooms. And you can offer a reward for those who complete the challenge. 

Lastly, you could offer wellness classes at your workplace. This is an easy way to give your employees the tools they need to improve their physical and mental health.

team sports

Benefits of Working with for Workplace Team Building

Even though there are many benefits of introducing sports to the workplace, it is often difficult for CEOs and HR managers to know how to do it. This is why it is such a good idea to work with

If you want a healthier workforce, offer them sports coaching. If you hire us to organise regular sporting activities for your employees, you'll notice that your workers will be more productive. 

You'll also strengthen your workplace culture by offering your employees the opportunity to play team sports such as football. Workers who play team sports together tend to have stronger workplace cultures. 

It's also helpful to encourage workers to take time from their workday to participate in yoga or pilates classes. You're likely to see that your workplace's employee retention rates will rise. This is because your workers will recognise that you care about their well-being. 

team sports

Introduce Team Sports to Your Workplace Today

If you introduce team sports to your workplace, you'll notice that your employees will become more productive, healthier, and better collaborators. 

If you're ready to introduce sports to your workplace, we are here to help you. Don't hesitate to sign up today once you are ready to get started. 

Name your sporting or fitness goal - we'll help you smash it. Personal Training, Yoga, Pilates, HIIT, Boxing and SO MUCH MORE. With an irresistible 30% OFF your first session!


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